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Quality inspections at an affordable rate

That's why we're the best and the brightest.

What is a home inspection?

A home inspection is a professional consulting service that:

  • decides the current condition of a home’s major systems, like electrical and plumbing
    • your inspector will do this through a visual inspection of accessible features
  • focuses on the performance of the home, rather than cosmetic, code, or design issues
    • we don't want any leaky roofs or shaky foundations, do we?

Inspections are often performed during the sale of a home but you can make the call anytime!

Schedule a FREE Consultation!

Keep you and your family safe with our professional home inspections!

Why you should consider a home inspection.

Know that the home you're going to buy is a good investment

The only thing we at Lighthouse Inspections want is for you to know that the house you've chosen is going to be worth it. With our professional services, we'll tell you whether you're standing in your future home or a poor investment.

Trusting your house is the first step toward making it a home

You have to understand your house and its foundation before you can ever make it a home. With Lighthouse Inspections, you can put your mind at ease with our honest, reliable, and affordable reports.

Understand maintenance costs before your purchase

Ever bought something that ended up being more trouble than it was worth? Don't let that be your house! Whether it was built yesterday or fifty years ago, owning a home shouldn't cost you an arm and a leg to fix. Knowing what to expect out of your house will save you thousands in the future. That's where our quality inspections come into play!

Ask our inspectors for recommendations on home maintenance.

Ensure that your home will be a safe place to live

Safety is our number one priority and we take it very seriously. Our certified inspectors examine every home with precision and care. Rest assured, you and your family will be able to live in your forever home peacefully... guaranteed!

Customer Testimonials

I'm a realtor that refers this service to clients. Dan always does a thorough job! He is very knowledgeable, friendly, easy to work with, and professional. Lighthouse Inspections is always investing in new equipment, seeking always to be the best. The rates are very fair, and they're quick to respond. My clients have always been satisfied.

Mark K.


Based in Boise, Idaho

Lighthouse Inspections is dedicated to serving all surrounding areas in Ada and Canyon County

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